Healthy Heart – A Key To Beating Health!

Healthy Heart – A Key To Beating Health!

  • healthy heart


A human heart is a remarkable structure that beats 70 to 100 times a minute in a resting state. With each beat, it squeezes out a little bit of blood and creates enough pressure to continuously deliver this blood to each and every single part of your body. This blood is literally the lifeline of your body, it picks up fresh oxygen from your lungs, and fresh nutrients from your gut to help keep your cells alive. That same pumping action also allows the blood to get rid of toxins, useless byproducts from your food and gasses such as carbon dioxide that can very dangerous to your health if not eliminated.

heart attack

As you can probably tell by now, having a healthy heart that functions well is crucial to your health and your state of well-being. One of the factors that affect the proper function of your heart is your posture. In today’s world, a lot of us spend a substantial amount of time sitting at the desk at work, sitting on the couch watching TV, sitting in our cars or busses commuting on our way to and from work and so forth. In this position, our bodies are constantly hunched over, which brings our heads forward, and hunches our mid backs forward. This hunching forward process puts unnecessary pressure on our spines and with time deforms our spines, our ribs and our breastbone. This deformation puts more pressure on your heart, and your heart needs to pump more vigorously in order to deliver the same amount of blood to every part of your body. This more vigorous pumping of the heart wears the heart down faster, and also begins to unpredictably vary your blood pressure. With worn hearts and fluctuating blood pressures, we begin to experience a vast array of health issues, such as heart arrhythmias, headaches and light headedness. Also, when the blood pressure is too low, not enough nutrients are being delivered to your body, and with time, this can compromise each and every organ of your precious body.

A regular weekly trip to the chiropractor is a great solution to break this vicious cycle. Chiropractic adjustments help to restore posture by improving motion and spinal integrity, which improves incoming and outgoing input between the spinal cord and brain. This allows the body to comprehend and balance itself better in relation to gravity. Improved posture will open up your chest and your ribcage, allowing your heart to function a lot better in a much healthier way.

doctor with a heart

Your heart deserves great chiropractic care for optimal health. For excellent chiropractic care, please check out the PRI clinic. They have great specialists who will take care of your spine and your posture, which will greatly improve the functioning of your heart. To book an appointment, please call or follow these links.

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