Such A Pain In The Neck

Such A Pain In The Neck

The ability to turn your head is something that many of us take for granted, until we can no longer do it.  Putting a sweater on, driving, or even looking around, all become painful activities.  There are many ways to go about treating neck pain.  One of the most effective is going to a Chiropractor.

There are many causes of neck pain, including:

  • Cervical herniated disc
  • Cervical Foraminal Stenosis
  • Degeneration of the joints that can cause pressure on the spinal cord and nerves
  • Disc degeneration/Arthritis
  • Muscle strain
  • And Subluxations, which is a misalignment of the neck vertebrae

When you are stressed, the muscles around the neck and upper back can seize up and contract. Muscles don’t push, they pull. And this contraction can pull vertebrae out of place, causing pain.  The symptom of neck pain is your body telling you that you need to fix the problem.  The lack of symptoms is not necessarily the lack of a problem.  If your neck pain is not properly cared for, your symptoms can worsen. It can then radiate pain into the arms causing a sharp shooting pain, numbness, burning, tingling and/or pins and needles.

Chiropractic care can help not only relieve your neck and arm pain, but also prevent it from occurring. When a Chiropractor adjusts the spine, they are putting the bones in the proper place.  Spinal adjustments help decrease pain and increase range of motion and flexibility. That in turn keeps your body healthy and functioning properly. When the spine is free of subluxations, the nervous system is able to function better and fix problems before they appear.

Neck pain can keep you from functioning and having a great quality of life.  Whether you suffer from chronic pain, or a simple muscle strain, if you are looking for a safe alternative to modern medicine, give a Chiropractor a try.

For more ideas on how to keep your neck healthy, go see your local chiropractor.  Or just head to PRI, where your health will be in good hands.

We look forward to helping you out:

Tel:      (416) 477-1101



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