Fibromyalgia patients respond very favorably to conservative care!

Fibromyalgia patients respond very favorably to conservative care!

  • Fibromyalgia


Fibromyalgia (FM) is the second leading rheumatologic disorder in the United States, afflicting 4–6 million Americans, the majority being women. FM is characterized by chronic pain and fatigue, irritable bowel syndrome, anxiety, depression, and mental fogginess. The etiology of FM is not known, and prognosis for recovery until recently, has been poor. Traditional therapies include pharmacologic interventions such as tricyclic antidepressants, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory and antiepileptic drugs, sedatives, muscle relaxants, and opiates.

Pharmacologic interventions achieve symptom relief for less than 50% of this population and are associated with side-effects such as weight gain, morning “hangover,” gastrointestinal distress, and increased tolerance to drug therapy.

Back spine disease

Due to side-effects of drugs and noncompliance to medication, non-pharmacologic interventions have increased in popularity. One survey found that 91% of individuals with FM used some form of alternative medicine.

A few studies used a multidimensional alternative medicine approach that showed great improvements over those studies that used a single intervention. In one study, chiropractic thoracic and lumbar manipulation was combined with resistance training program with an onsite Pilates instructor. After 6 weeks of this management, patient reported that 80% of the initial fibromyalgia symptomatology was resolved. Fibromyalgia Impact Questionnaire was used to assess the initial and post-treatment state of the patient.


At PRI clinic, there is an amazing team of chiropractors’, physiotherapists’ and in a network of MDs, who work together in synchrony to ensure that you receive appropriate care for your condition. We evaluate your concerns and we ensure that your therapy reflects the most recent research that is most conducive for your health and well-being.

If you suffer from fibromyalgia, please check out the PRI clinic. They have great specialists who will take care of your health. To book an appointment, please call or follow these links.

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