Happy Kids – Happy Life!

Happy Kids – Happy Life!

  • happy kids


Kids are the joy of our life. Most of us want the best for them. We want them to be happy and healthy, to enjoy life and to give us joy in return. Parenting in the 21st century could be quite demanding, especially in today’s stressful world. Sometimes it’s difficult to understand what to do for our kids to maintain their health as optimal as possible.

This article was written to take some of that burden away from you and to give you one helpful suggestion that will skyrocket your kid’s health through the roof: chiropractic care. Under the care of a skillful chiropractor, your child’s health will greatly improve. Check out some of these helpful ways, chiropractic care can help out your little ones.

injured child


Kids tend to play and tumble a lot. With each tumble, their joints can become slightly misaligned. I’m not just talking about their wrists or shoulders, knees or ankles; I’m also referring to the joints of their spine. Some of this playful tumbling happens when you are not even around. Their joints may slightly misalign, and they won’t even tell you that something is wrong. They will simply continue playing as if nothing happened. With regular weekly trips to a chiropractor, your child’s spine and other joints will be fully assessed and re-aligned as needed. What this means for your child is fewer injuries down the road. If you let it go, these misalignments will pile up like layers of onion and eventually most likely will result in a serious injury.

Some of our dear little ones may continue wetting their bed way past the correct milestone age. According to the pediatric society, most children are toilet trained by the time they are 5 years old. But what about those, who are not? According to Mary Johnson, a pediatric urology nurse specialist, about 10% of the bed wetting cases are due to a serious medical condition, and are in need of an MD attention. In some other cases, bed wetting is caused by a spinal misalignment that decreases the proper function of the nerves that run from the lower thoracic (mid-spinal level) or upper sacral area (located at the level of the buttocks) to the urinary bladder. In such cases, a regular visit to a chiropractor will ensure that these areas are assessed and your child’s bedwetting habit will be flushed away.

a child in a hospital


Your child deserves great chiropractic care for optimal health, just like you do. For great chiropractic care, please check out the PRI clinic. They have great specialists who will take care of your kids, like they take care of their own. To book an appointment, please call or follow these links.

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