Common Driving Distractions

Common Driving Distractions

Have you ever slowed down to check out an accident on the highway? Or taken your eyes off the road for what feels like a “split second” to check out a cute dog, a sign or someone else’s vehicle? The world is a cool place, and nobody can blame you for wanting to look at things that you find amusing in some way. But the driver’s seat is not the right place to be when you feel like checking out the scenery. When you peel your eyes away from the road in front of you, you reduce your ability to respond to the environment around your vehicle.

Surprisingly, external elements outside of your car are more common distractions than the elements within your car-including other people. But it still deserves a mention on this list.

Yet you can avoid this pitfall through mindfulness. Practicing mindfulness is essential to safe driving no matter where you are or how far the drive is. Stay focused on the road and make safety priority number one whenever you’re driving.

Additionally, in this fast-paced life that we lead, it can be hard to find the time to do everything that you need to, including meals. It might sound sensible to multitask, to enjoy a bagel while you’re driving to work so that you can cut down on your time in the morning, but it is anything but. In fact, it is downright dangerous.

We’ve all pulled up through the drive-thru to grab a cup of coffee at the beginning of our day. This is such a common thing to do, that we usually don’t spare it a second thought. But hot drinks are the number one culprit behind food and drink-related motor vehicle accidents. These drinks can cause burns when they spill, and the sudden shock of pain and discomfort is a huge hazard when your vehicle is in motion.

Some coffee and tea drinkers might add sugar, milk or other condiments to their beverages while driving, and this is another dangerous distraction. Even opening packets of sweetener can pull your focus from the road and reduce your reaction time in the event of something unexpected.

In fact, even the actions of eating or drinking can disrupt safe driving practices. Hot and spicy beverages and foods are the biggest culprits, but any food or drink item can pull your attention away from what matters most: getting to your destination safely.

Hopefully you’ll practice these tips and stay safe on the road every time you drive.

If you’ve been involved in the car accident and experienced personal injury, please reach out to PRI.  With over 30 years of experience in rehabilitation, our team of physiotherapists, massage therapists, chiropractors, and other practitioners can help you.

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