Chiropractic Benefits People With Knee Pain

Chiropractic Benefits People With Knee Pain

The most common daily activities, from bending down to climbing stairs, walking from your vehicle to the office, or simply getting out of bed can become difficult when you’re dealing with knee pain. It certainly has a huge impact on your ability to function optimally.

You don’t have to live with the pain, limit your activities, or take more pain medication.

You can give chiropractic treatment a try. In most cases, an experienced chiropractor can identify the underlying issues causing the pain and use a combination of techniques that yield knee pain relief.

Common Causes of Knee Pain

Your knees can be injured through direct trauma or can be affected by dysfunction and disease. Direct trauma pertains to a sudden injury like those incurred from a fall or vehicular accident, or from chronic conditions such as overuse or a genetic weakness. In addition to direct trauma, knee problems can be the result of disease or dysfunction, with the latter often accompanying muscle disorders or strains. Other common causes include the following:

Knee Joint Misalignment – this refers to a change in the normal anatomy of the knee joint. The usual changes observed include internal rotation of the femur and an inward facing patella, which is also known as “winking patella”. These lead to uneven pressures in the knee joint that cause pain and damage to the underlying articulate cartilage.

Flat Feet – People with this condition have either no arch in their feet or the arch is very low. The problem here is that when the arch flattens, it causes the tibia and the femur to rotate inwards, adding stress on the knee and eventually triggering pain.

Pinched nerve in the low back – The nerves that transmit pain sensation to the knees originate in the lower back region. With age or injury, the discs between the vertebrae protrude and press on these nerves. The affected nerve becomes irritated and sends pain signals to the brain. The severity of the pain depends on the size of the disc that‘s pressing on the nerve, specifically the sciatic nerve.

Symptoms of Knee Pain

The location and severity of the pain may vary, depending on what caused the problem.

Signs and symptoms that typically accompany knee pain include the following:

  • Stiffness and swelling
  • Weakness or instability (feeling that the knee will buckle)
  • Redness and warmth to the touch
  • Clicking or popping sound
  • Inability to fully extend the knee

How a Chiropractor Can Provide Knee Pain Relief

Your chiropractor will evaluate your gait, meaning your manner of walking. From your gait, he/she will be able to determine the amount of stress that is being placed on your knees. Your chiropractor will then start aligning the joint through a variety of therapeutic techniques including the following:

Spinal adjustment – Any misalignment of the spine creates imbalance that puts added pressure on all joints, including the knees. Spinal adjustment aims to reestablish alignment and balance. This restores functionality to your knees and reduces wear and tear to the joints.

Trigger point therapy – This is a form of remedial massage therapy that utilizes the precise application of pressure on specific points in the body in order to alleviate pain and discomfort.

Posture Correction – Just like misalignment of the spine, poor posture puts pressure on muscles and joints. Your chiropractor may evaluate your posture and make the necessary corrections.

Low-level laser therapy – Also known as cold laser therapy, this stimulates the muscles and soft tissues to reduce inflammation, facilitate blood flow and speed up the healing process.

Ultrasound therapy – This technique uses ultrasonic waves to massage painful muscles and joints. It is effective in relieving pain, reducing stiffness and improving the mobility for patients.

Your chiropractor may also offer nutrition counseling to help manage your weight and store energy for exercise. He/she may provide some lifestyle advice and show you behavioral and lifestyle changes that will ultimately result in knee pain relief.

Chiropractic Adjustments for a Sore Knee

Chiropractic adjustments work well for sore knees and they are most effective when performed in conjunction with complementary corrective exercise. Chiropractic adjustments of the spine, hips and knees help mobilize these joints back into proper alignment. This, in turn, relieves joint stress, reduces inflammation, and facilitates healing. When combined with corrective exercises, chiropractic treatment for knee pain has been proven highly effective.

We have outlined the treatment process to give you a clear idea of our approach. Our chiropractor usually modify the process depending on the condition of the patient. This means the type of treatment that best suits one patient is not necessarily appropriate for another.

First Step: Reduce pain and soreness by addressing joint inflammation. This is achieved by using ice, laser, ultrasound and interferential therapy. You will also be instructed to avoid certain activities that will aggravate the problem or slow down the healing process.

Second Step: Normalize joint function through chiropractic manipulation and mobilization techniques. This will improve function and increase range of motion at the knee joint. Trigger point therapy and deep soft tissue massage may also be used.

Third Step: Rehabilitation exercise program. If appropriate, your chiropractor will introduce exercises meant to improve strength, endurance and stability of the knees. He will also work on improving your balance and proprioception so you can quickly return to your regular activities.

Whether your knee problem is associated with wear and tear, overuse, an injury or disease, it is important that you seek proper diagnosis and start immediate treatment. While over the counter drugs may help in reducing the pain and soreness, they will do nothing to address the underlying issue that’s causing your knee problem. If you want effective and lasting relief, you’ll need the help of a professional.

In case you have questions about chiropractic treatment for knee pain, or wish to know if it’s right for you, please feel free to contact us at 416-477-1101 or email us at . We look forward to helping alleviate your knee pain and get you in tip-top shape as soon as possible!

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