
Bad back? You might be brushing your teeth wrong

Bad back? You might be brushing your teeth wrong
Ergonomic Advice Part 1
Polyclinic Rehabilitation Institute is launching a consumer campaign to highlight the simple daily activities that are contributing to musculoskeletal conditions.
According to the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health, the majority of bad backs, aches and pains that are treated by doctors are non-work related, and therefore picked up at home or in leisure time, so PRI looked at some of the everyday tasks that people could be doing incorrectly and which are therefore impacting on their health and wellbeing.
After analyzing the problems that their patients present to us, we have highlighted the top ten simple activities – such as brushing teeth, using mobile devices or watching TV – that are regularly done in a position that puts muscles, joints and limbs under pressure. The following is a consumer guide showing how NOT to do them, the impact they can have and how to do them correctly.
1. Checking Social Media on Mobile Devices
What you’re doing wrong and how it can affect you – Whether sitting or standing, most of us hold devices in our lap, or below chest level, causing us to look down or lean forward, resulting in damage and muscle stiffness in the upper back and neck. Staring at the screen for too long can also cause eye strain.
PRI advice – Always hold the device at chest height, so the top of it is level with your eyes, and take regular screen breaks.
2. Brushing Teeth, Ironing and Washing Up
What you’re doing wrong and how it can affect you – Also known as ‘waiter’s lean’ these tasks often involve leaning forward over an object – such as a sink or ironing board – and repeatedly twisting, which can cause damage to your lower back, neck and shoulders.
PRI advice – Use a small foot stool or bathroom scale to lift one foot. This stops you from leaning, forces you to adjust your posture and keeps your lower back straight.
3. Vacuuming
What you’re doing wrong and how it can affect you – If you move your whole body while leaning and twisting to vacuum, it can hurt your upper and lower back. Similarly, over-reaching can put a strain on your shoulders and gripping the vacuum for extended periods is bad news for your elbows.
PRI advice – Keep your back straight and move your arms, not your spine. Take regular breaks or share the task with someone else. Make sure the vacuum isn’t too heavy for you to move BEFORE buying it.
4. Emptying the Dishwasher/Washing Machine
What you’re doing wrong and how it can affect you – If you simply bend from your waist to load or unload a machine – especially with heavy items such as pans or wet towels – you put strain on your upper back, lower back and hips. Kneeling is no better as it is torture for your knees, while repeatedly gripping and lifting items can damage your elbows.
PRI advice – Keep your back straight, bend from the knees and avoid kneeling. Load the heaviest items at the front of the dishwasher and don’t twist when unloading them.
5. Putting Babies and Children into Car Seats
What you’re doing wrong and how it can affect you – Twisting and leaning forward or over-reaching while holding the baby can harm your lower back and shoulders.
PRI advice – Hold the baby close to your body, bend with your knees and move your feet – don’t twist your back. Prepare by doing light back stretching exercises first.
Stay tuned for 5 more pieces of ergonomic advice next week.

If you’re suffering from a musculoskeletal injury, physiotherapists, massage therapists and chiropractors at PRI can help you.
For further helpful advice, please reach out to:
Tel: (416) 477-1101

Gluten can cause depression and other brain disorders

Gluten can cause depression and other brain disorders
Do you suffer from depression, anxiety disorders, brain fog, memory loss, or other brain-based issues? While conventional medicine turns to drug treatments, recent research points to poor gut health as the root of mental illness. This is because inflammation in the gut triggers inflammation throughout the body, including in the brain, bringing on depression, anxiety, brain fog, memory loss and other neurological symptoms. Although many factors affect gut health—and hence brain health—one of the more profound is a sensitivity to gluten, the protein found in wheat, barley, rye, and other wheat-like grains. In fact, gluten sensitivity has been found to affect brain and nerve tissue more than any other tissue in the body.
Gluten sensitivity once was thought to be limited to celiac disease, an autoimmune response to gluten that damages the digestive tract and is linked to depression. However, newer research has confirmed the validity of non-celiac gluten sensitivity, an immune response to gluten that causes many symptoms, including digestive problems, skin rashes, joint pain, and neurological and psychiatric diseases. Recent research shows how gluten degenerates brain and nervous tissues in a significant portion of those with gluten sensitivity.
How Does Gluten Affect Mental Health?
Gluten can affect mental health in a variety of ways.
For instance, gluten sensitivity can lead to depression, anxiety, brain fog and other brain symptoms by irritating the lining of the small intestine, resulting in “leaky gut,” a condition in which the intestinal wall becomes overly porous. This allows undigested food, toxins and bacteria into the bloodstream where they trigger inflammation throughout the body and brain. Also, certain harmful bacteria that travel through a leaky gut into the bloodstream release toxic molecules (lipopolysaccharides) that are linked to depression and various psychiatric disorders.
Another way gluten can trigger depression is through gluten cross-reactivity. Because gluten is similar in structure to brain tissue, when the immune system attacks gluten in the blood, it can confuse brain tissue with gluten and accidentally attack brain and nerve tissue as well. This reduces brain function that this tissue was responsible for.
Gluten is also known to disrupt the balance of good and bad bacteria in the digestive tract. There is a relationship between gut bacteria and the brain, and an imbalance in gut bacteria has been linked with psychiatric disorders.
The gut damage caused by a gluten sensitivity can also prevent the absorption of nutrients essential for brain health, especially zinc, tryptophan, and B vitamins. These nutrients are critical for the synthesis of brain chemicals that prevent depression, anxiety and other brain-based disorders.

What Steps Can You Take?
If you are experiencing depression, anxiety, brain fog, memory loss, or other unresolved brain-based issues, testing for gluten sensitivity can be a valuable tool in knowing how best to manage it. Addressing leaky gut is also paramount.
Ask the nutritionist in our office for more information on leaky gut and the connection between gluten and depression, anxiety, brain fog, memory loss, and other brain-based disorders.
We will gladly help you out at:
Tel: (416) 477-1101

Intramuscular Stimulation Q & A

Intramuscular Stimulation Q & A
WHAT IS IMS (Intramuscular Stimulation)?
Our bodies have an exceptional capacity to heal themselves. We have all experienced cuts and scrapes and observed how efficiently our body is able to heal that injury. This healing power is not limited to cuts and scrapes, but applies to many tissues in the body including damaged or strained muscles. When muscle spasm and pain does not heal itself medical practitioners are often perplexed. In the absence of any signs of tissue damage or inflammation, practitioners are not able to explain the cause of ongoing pain. Patients suffering from chronic muscle pain often become frustrated as repeated trials of various forms of treatments fail, or when they are told that nothing can be done for their pain.
From 1966 until 1980 Dr. Gunn was a member of the medical staff of the Workers’ Compensation Board Rehabilitation Clinic in Vancouver. It was here, where he encountered many patients suffering from chronic muscle pain, in the absence of any obvious tissue damage or inflammation. While working with this population he observed consistent similarities and objective findings among these patients. It was this experience that led him to explain the cause of their ongoing pain, Peripheral Neuropathy, and subsequently develop the IMS treatment model. Dr Gunn has been awarded the Order of British Columbia and became a member of the Order of Canada.
Neuropathy is defined as a nerve that is not functioning properly. When a peripheral nerve is not functioning properly, it adversely impacts the muscles that it innervates. This can result in shortening of the muscles, which subsequently causes mechanical pain as the shortened muscles pull on tendons and joints. The most crucial shortening occurs in the deep back muscles, where shortening can result in disc compression and facet joint irritation.
IMS relies heavily on a thorough examination of the patient by a competent practitioner, trained to recognize the signs of peripheral neuropathy. Small needles are placed directly into the muscle. Due to the small size of the needle, the typical sharp pinching pain associated with Doctors’ or Dentists’ needles is not usually present. Penetration of a normal muscle is painless; however, a shortened muscle is supersensitive and will therefore respond to the needle by “grasping” the needle. Patients describe this sensation as a deep cramping. The stimulus of the muscle via penetration and subsequent “grasping” has three distinct results.
1.A reflex is produced within the muscle via a stretch receptor that results in a reflex relaxation of the muscle.
2.The needle causes a small injury in the muscle that initiates the natural healing process.
3.The treatment creates an electrical potential in the muscle to restore normal nerve function.
When competently performed, IMS has a remarkable success rate. Extensive medical research has validated the effectiveness of this treatment. If you’re further interested in this topic, current IMS research shows it here:
Therapists at Polyclinic Rehabilitation Institute have over 20 years of combined experience performing IMS treatments and have a high success rate in resolving many issues in less than 8-treatments. IMS treatments can be scheduled by contacting our office.
Phone: (416) 477-1101

Most likely. IMS is implemented as a part of a complete physiotherapy treatment program at PRI. PRI makes accessing your benefits in your private health care plan easy by offering DIRECT BILLING SERVICES. Simply bring your health care plan card to your first visit and our staff will determine if your plan is eligible for direct billing services.
We look forward to helping you get rid of your pain and move on to the road of health and well-being.

Five things you can address that cause insomnia

It seems almost everyone has insomnia these days, including, possibly, you. People either can’t fall asleep, they wake up after a few hours of sleep and can’t go back asleep, or they aren’t able to sleep deeply. The reasons for insomnia vary from person to person, but it’s typically not due to a sleeping pill deficiency.

Instead, the reasons behind insomnia or poor sleep can be startlingly straightforward, although addressing them may take some diet and lifestyle changes.

In this article I’ll go over often overlooked issues that cause insomnia and poor sleep. Don’t assume a powerful sleeping pill is your only answer. Look at the underlying causes first and address those.

  1. Low blood sugar. Do you wake up at 3 or 4 a.m., racked with anxiety and unable to fall back asleep? That could be caused by a blood sugar crash, which raises stress hormones (hence the anxious wake up). Eating small but frequent meals, never skipping meals, and avoid sugary and starchy foods are important to keep blood sugar stable. Additionally, eating a little bit of protein before bed and at night if you wake up may help.


  1. High blood sugar (insulin resistance or pre-diabetes). Do you fall asleep after meals yet struggle to fall asleep at night? Do you wake up feeling like you’ve been run over by a truck, but are wide awake at bedtime? It could be high blood sugar, a precursor to diabetes, is driving your primary stress hormone cortisol and keeping you up. A telltale symptom of high blood sugar is falling asleep after meals, especially starchy meals. Minimizing sugary and starchy foods, not overeating, and exercising regularly can help you rewind insulin resistance and sleep better at night.


  1. Too much blue light. Are you staring into a computer, phone, tablet, or TV screen right before bed? If so, you’re confusing your body’s sleep hormone production. The body recognizes blue light as daylight, which suppresses the production of melatonin, our main sleep hormone. Limiting your exposure to blue light at night can help boost your body’s production of sleep hormones. Wear orange glasses two hours before bed, use orange bulbs in your nighttime lamps, and limit your evening screen time to boost melatonin.


  1. If you are chronically inflamed it drives up your stress hormones, which can keep you awake. This is particularly true if you’re experiencing inflammation in your brain, which can cause anxiety. One of the most common causes of chronic inflammation is an immune reaction to foods, especially gluten, dairy, eggs, and various grains. Screening for undiagnosed food sensitivities and an anti-inflammatory diet can help you hone in on what’s causing your insomnia or poor sleep.


  1. Hormone imbalances. Hormone imbalances can significantly impact sleep. Low progesterone, which is a common symptom of chronic stress, heightens anxiety and sleeplessness. An estrogen deficiency in perimenopause and menopause has been shown to increase anxiety, insomnia and sleep apnea. In men, low testosterone is linked with poor sleep and sleep apnea. Also, low hormone levels can be inflammatory to the brain, increasing anxiety and insomnia.

Many things can cause insomnia and poor sleep, however these 5 are some of the more common. While you are addressing the underlying factors of your sleep issue, you can aid your ability to sleep with safe and natural compounds, depending on the mechanism. Ask the nutritionist in our office how we can help

Tel:      (416) 477-1101




Benefits of sports massage

It is likely you will have heard of sports massage, seen it advertised, or even received sports massage in the past. But you might be wondering what benefits it offers, is it for me and what does massage at PRI entail. We asked our one of our massage therapists to give us a low-down:

Massage and it’s benefits:

There are numerous benefits to receiving massage, including physical, physiological and psychological. This is one of the reasons it is such a popular choice for people from all walks of life providing an effective treatment according to the particular needs of a client. Below are just a few of the benefits that massage can provide:

  • Relaxation – massage helps the muscles relax through heat generated, circulation and stretching. It may also lower high blood pressure.
  • Flexibility – someone with tight muscles may have better flexibility following treatment.
  • Pain Reduction – massage assists in reducing tension and releases the body’s endorphins, influencing our pain reception.
  • Recovery – massage can help improve recovery from trauma and fatigue.
  • Prevention – massage can assist in the prevention of injury in the long term.
  • Health – massage helps maintain and improve the health of the soft tissues due to the effects on blood circulation.
  • Invigoration/Increased Energy – massage can leave you feeling invigorated and with more energy. This can be of real benefit before an event or competition.
  • Reduces Anxiety – massage induces relaxation which in turn reduces anxiety.


Is it for me?

Hopefully that all sounds great but now you might be wondering is sports massage for me? Sports and remedial massage can actually benefit everyone. As the name suggests it can be a valuable asset for people involved with sports and fitness at all levels from casual sport participants and weekend warriors to professional athletes. Massage can help you recover quicker which in turn allows for more intensive training with a lower risk of overuse injury. As well as post-event or post-training, massage can assist pre-event. In the build up to competition it can help achieve the fullest recovery possible allowing for maximum performance but it can also be used to reduce anxiety if required or increase stimulation and invigoration. As well as sports people the same benefits can be applied to other active professions such as performers, dancers and musicians.

However sport and remedial massage is not only useful for those involved in sport or who have an active lifestyle. It can be very beneficial to those recovering from all types of injury by aiding the healing and rehabilitation processes. Many people suffer from minor and chronic injuries resulting from their job whether this is due to a repetitive movement such as a painter reaching overhead to paint or someone not moving very much at all such as a desk based office worker. Sport and remedial massage can aid in relieving pain in the affected areas of the body whilst also helping to correct postural imbalances and poor mobility and movement patterns. Remedial massage can also assist those suffering from a range of other medical conditions.

Sport & Remedial Massage at PRI:

PRI offers sports massage at a range of their clinics delivered by experienced and qualified therapists who are trained to assess, treat and rehabilitate minor and chronic injuries. We employ a range of massage techniques working on both deep and superficial layers to maximise the benefits of massage. We may also include postural assessment and other soft tissue techniques such as Soft Tissue Release and Muscle Energy Techniques within our sessions to offer the best treatment to each individual. Our aim is to work with everybody who comes to see us to treat not just the symptoms but also the cause. We also work closely with the physiotherapists which allows us to call upon their experience and expertise should we need to.

If you have any questions or queries please get in touch and we would be happy to help!

(416) 477-1101



Keeogo for IBM

Inclusion body myositis (IBM) is a progressive muscle disorder characterized by muscle inflammation, weakness, and muscle wasting. It is a type of inflammatory myopathy. IBM develops in adulthood, usually after age 50. The symptoms and rate of progression vary from person to person. The most common symptoms include progressive weakness of the legs, arms, fingers, and wrists. Some people also have weakness of the facial muscles (especially muscles controlling eye closure), or difficulty swallowing (dysphagia). Muscle cramping and pain are uncommon, but have been reported in some people.

Most people with IBM progress to disability over a period of years. In general, the older a person is when IBM begins, the more rapid the progression of the condition. Most people need assistance with basic daily activities within 15 years, and some people will need to use a wheelchair. Lifespan is thought to be normal, but severe complications (e.g. aspiration pneumonia) can lead to loss of life.

The underlying cause of IBM is poorly understood and likely involves the interaction of genetic, immune-related, and environmental factors. Some people may have a genetic predisposition to developing IBM, but the condition itself typically is not inherited.

There is currently no cure for IBM. The primary goal of management is to optimize muscle strength and function. Management may include exercise, fall prevention, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy (for dysphagia).

While the medical community is searching for therapies to target the root of this condition, a recent technological breakthrough has allowed patients with IBM to achieve a remarkable improvement in their lifestyle. Without the KeegoTM device, patients walked slowly, had to stop when taking stairs from exhaustion, had a difficult time picking up objects from the floor, exerted strenuous effort, when getting up from a chair to walk down the hall. Patients with IBM wearing a KeegoTM device were able to achieve healthy movement patterns during several clinical trials. The same patients were able to walk about quickly, had no trouble walking up or down the stairs, picked up objects from the floor with little effort, and were able to easily sit down, and get up from the seat without propping themselves up with their hands.

If you suffer from IBM , please see a specialist at the PRI clinic. They are specifically trained to properly introduce your body to the KeegoTM device, which will allow your body to achieve a remarkable improvement in your lifestyle. To book an appointment, please call or follow these links.

Tel:      (416) 477-1101



Chiropractic treats asthma

On April 9, 2018, the Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health published the results of a case study showing chiropractic helping a 9-year-old who was suffering from asthma as well as a number of other functional health issues.

The study begins by noting that in 2012, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that approximately 10 million children were diagnosed with asthma, of which 6.8 million of those children continue to live with this problem today. The study reports that in the period between 2002 and 2007, the cost of asthma in the U.S. was 56 billion dollars. Additionally, in 2008 alone, it was estimated that children were absent from school for a total of 14.4 million days from this condition.

According to the professional version of the Merck Manual, “Asthma is a disease of diffuse airway inflammation caused by a variety of triggering stimuli resulting in partially or completely reversible bronchoconstriction”. The authors of the study explain asthma by stating, “Asthma is a bronchial tube disorder that is caused by an immune response to a variety of stimuli that causes airways to hyper react to its environmental input.” In layman’s terms, asthma is when some kind of irritant causes the tubes leading to the lungs to constrict and reduce airflow.

In this case, a 9-year-old boy was brought to the chiropractor. The boy was suffering with a number of health complaints with the chief among these being asthma. His asthma had resulted in four previous trips to the emergency room with one of those visits requiring a five day in stay at the hospital. His problem required him to use an Albuterol inhaler one to four times each day.

In addition to the asthma, the boy also suffered with mid back pain that was worse when sitting at school. He also suffered from headaches and neck pain that was accompanied by dizziness. Since birth, it was reported that it would take the boy between one to three hours to fall asleep each night. In addition to all these issues the boy was also suffering with episodes of low back pain, leg and foot pain, colic, sugar cravings, stomachaches, constipation, diarrhea, allergies, behavioral problems, ADHD and eczema.

A thorough chiropractic examination revealed a number of areas of postural distortion and neuromusculoskeletal system dysfunctions. Thermal scans and surface EMG scans also showed variations along the child’s spine. It was determined that subluxations were present and chiropractic care was started.

As the chiropractic care progressed, the child’s asthma started to show steady improvement to where he was able to reduce his medication from four times per day to an as needed basis. Additionally, the other symptoms he was experiencing also started to reduce. His sleeping returned to normal so that it did not take hours for him to fall asleep. The boy’s complaints of headaches, stomachaches, constipation, diarrhea, neck pain, and back pain were all resolved. It was even noted that he no longer needed special accommodations at school for his ADHD diagnosis.

Previously, the boy would regularly miss days of school due to his asthma and illnesses. After starting chiropractic care, it was reported that he only missed one day of school, his grades greatly improved, and the boy made honor roll.

In the study conclusion the authors wrote, “This case study shows that chiropractic care to reduce vertebral subluxations may lead to improved health outcomes. It adds to the current literature on the positive outcomes of chiropractic care and children with asthma and other functional disorders.”

For more tips on how to reduce symptoms of asthma, please see a chiropractor in our office and ask how we can help.

Tel:      (416) 477-1101



Baby with chronic constipation helped with chiropractic

From the January 2018 issue of the Journal of Clinical Chiropractic Pediatrics comes a documented case study of chiropractic helping a baby who was suffering from chronic constipation. In children, constipation can be expressed as infrequent bowel movements and can have hard and dry stools.

The study begins by noting that between 5-30% of the child population will suffer with this issue. More than one third of the cases become chronic, lasting for more than 8 weeks. The study reports that many factors can contribute to the issue including dehydration, dietary factors such as cows milk intolerance, or a change in diet. Certain organic issues can also lead to constipation as well as psychological factors including purposefully withholding stools which can become an acquired behavior in some children.

If no known cause can be found for the constipation, it is referred to as idiopathic constipation. The study describes how this problem can be detected by noting, “Signs and symptoms of childhood constipation include excessive flatulence associated with a foul smell, infrequent passing of stools, abdominal pain and withholding or straining to stop the passage of stools.

In this case, a mother brought her 2-year-old son in to see the chiropractor. The boy’s problems primarily included three weeks of right shoulder and arm pain which was affecting his daily activities as well as his sleep. His mother additionally reported that her son was suffering with chronic constipation for over a year and was taking what she described as a “significant” amount of medication for the issue. The boy’s bowel movements were extremely foul smelling and very painful to pass. The child was eating a very nutritious and healthy diet which would rule out dietary concerns for causing the constipation.

A chiropractic examination was performed which included inspection, range of motion, and palpation of the spine and pelvic bones. With the findings, age-specific chiropractic care was started on the boy. After only one visit, the child was completely free of the initial pain of right shoulder and arm pain. Within ten days, the boy’s mother reported that her son was having more frequent bowel movements associated with looser stools and less straining. As a result, the boy’s mother was able to reduce his medication.

The study records that after four visits “…the mother reported that for the first time in his life, the child was sleeping throughout the night without waking and routinely passing a stool with no complaint.” After two additional visits the boy was having regular bowl movements without any straining.

In the abstract of this study, the authors give an overview of the case and the results by stating, “After four treatments, the frequency of bowel movements increased from once every other day to twice a day and use of medication decreased. Sleep quality also improved. As a result of the improvements noted with this intervention, a musculoskeletal mechanism for the development and persistence of constipation in children has been proposed.”

If your child is constipated, for more info on how chiropractic can help, please contact our office at


(416) 477-1101



Walking for half an hour a day can reduce severity of stroke

People who walk just 35 minutes a day or participate in light to moderate physical activity, such as swimming two to three hours a week, may have less severe strokes than people who are physically inactive. In a new study to determine physical activity, participants were asked after the stroke how much they moved or exercised during leisure time before the stroke. Questions about duration and intensity of exercise were used to determine the average amount of physical activity. Relatives were asked to confirm exercise levels when needed.

Study author Katharina S Sunnerhagen, said, “Stroke is a major cause of serious disability, so finding ways to prevent stroke or reduce the disability caused by stroke are important. While exercise benefits health in many ways, our research suggests that even simply getting in a small amount of physical activity each week may have a big impact later by possibly reducing the severity of a stroke.”

Light physical activity was defined as walking at least four hours a week. Moderate physical activity was defined as a more intense exercise such as swimming, brisk walking, or running two to three hours a week. Of study participants, 52% said they were physically inactive before having their stroke.

Researchers found that people who engaged in light to moderate physical activity before their stroke were twice as likely to have a mild stroke rather than a moderate or severe stroke when compared to people who were physically inactive. Sunnerhagen added, “There is a growing body of evidence that physical activity may have a protective effect on the brain and our research adds to that evidence. Further research is needed to better understand just how physical activity influences the severity of a stroke.”

While the medical community is searching for ways to prevent or reduce the severity of this condition, as well as the side effects of it, a recent technological breakthrough has allowed patients who suffered from stroke to achieve a remarkable improvement in their lifestyle. Without the KeegoTM device, patients walked slowly, had to stop when taking stairs from exhaustion, had a difficult time picking up objects from the floor, exerted strenuous effort, when getting up from a chair to walk down the hall. Patients after stroke wearing a KeegoTM device were able to achieve healthy movement patterns during several clinical trials. The same patients were able to walk about quickly, had no trouble walking up or down the stairs, picked up objects from the floor with little effort, and were able to easily sit down, and get up from the seat without propping themselves up with their hands.

If you suffered from stroke, please see a specialist at the PRI clinic. They are specifically trained to properly introduce your body to the KeegoTM device, which will allow your body to achieve a remarkable improvement in your lifestyle. To book an appointment, please call or follow these links.

Tel:      (416) 477-1101



When teen menstrual cramps and PMS are disabling

It’s an all-too-common scenario for teen girls today: That time of the month comes around they are home from school white-knuckling it through agonizing menstrual cramps, having only just endured a week of equally debilitating PMS depression and anxiety.

It’s just your standard entry into womanhood, right? Not!

Although hormonal irregularity is normal in the early years, excessive pain and anguish is not. It signals underlying causes of hormonal imbalance that may be alleviated through diet and lifestyle changes.

Of course one must also consider the possibility of serious medical disorders  such as uterine fibroids, pelvic inflammatory disease, or, most commonly, endometriosis, disorders that tend to be overlooked in young girls in early menses.

Going beyond NSAIDS and the pill for teen cramps

The conventional approach to severe cramps and PMS is the use of over-the-counter pain medication and low-dose oral contraceptives.

Oral contraceptives are synthetic hormones that interfere with the body’s natural hormonal feedback loops and disrupt the balance of intestinal flora, not to mention raising the risk of serious medical complications such as migraines, stroke, and even cancer.

Although birth control pills can bring relief, it’s better to ask why hormones are imbalanced in the first place. Birth control pills merely resolve the symptoms but not the cause of teenage menstrual cramps and PMS.


Here are some underlying causes of severe teen cramps and PMS

The female hormonal system is intricate, complex, and easily toppled by many modern habits we consider normal. Add standard teenage predilections for excess and indulgence, and you’ve got a recipe for monthly sick days home from school.

Here are some common factors we see when looking at teenage menstrual cramps and PMS with a functional medicine perspective:

Unstable blood sugar skewing hormones. This is very often an underlying factor of hormonal imbalance in women of all ages, but particularly in teens. Skipped meals, diets high in sugar, caffeine, processed carbohydrates, junk foods, and other staples of teen diets can cause the delicate balance between estrogen and progesterone to spiral out of control

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) frequently occurs when blood sugar is chronically out of balance, and brings with it the requisite symptoms of severe cramping and PMS. Other PCOS symptoms include depression, acne, irregular periods, and ovarian cysts (with pain).

A diet that eliminates sugar, minimizes caffeine, regulates carbohydrate consumption, and focuses on plenty of produce and healthy proteins and fats can help bring blood sugar, PCOS, and the accompanying cramps and PMS under control. Of course, this won’t be easy for the average teen girl, but sometimes the pain of the problem outweighs the pain of the solution.

Adrenal imbalances. The adrenal glands are two walnut-sized glands that sit atop each kidney and produce adrenal hormones. Teen habits of missing sleep, pushing themselves too hard, skipping meals, and eating too much sugar all send adrenal function into over drive or under drive.

Adrenal imbalances severely impact hormonal balance and can deplete progesterone, the “calming” hormone that helps prevent PMS.

Too much screen time. Hormonal balance is tightly linked to the light cycles of day and night. The blue light emitted from smart phones, tablets, and TVs are interpreted as sunlight by the brain. When teen girls stare into their phones texting and sharing late into the night, the brain, and then the hormones, become awfully confused as a result. (This also causes insomnia.)

Although restricting exposure to screens is a tall order for today’s teens, you may be able to convince your daughter to wear orange glasses, use an orange film over the screen, or download an app like f.lux or Twilight that filters out blue light after sunset.

These are just a few ways in which modern teen habits can result in severe menstrual cramps and PMS. For more information on how to balance hormones and alleviate cramps and PMS using functional medicine, please contact my office


For further info, please call or follow these links:

Tel:      (416) 477-1101

