Chiropractic Benefits Seniors With Neck Pain

Chiropractic Benefits Seniors With Neck Pain

Neck pain is one of the most common symptoms we see in our PRI clinic. Often, neck pain results from auto injuries, but sometimes the origins of the neck symptoms might not be related to trauma. No matter what the cause, we find that our chiropractic approach really works for our patients and they agree!

A recent study from Spine Journal confirms what we’ve seen in our office: chiropractic works for treating neck pain.

In this study, researchers looked at 241 patients who were over 65 years old and who suffered from chronic neck pain. The patients were divided into three groups: one group received chiropractic adjustments with home exercises, another group received supervised exercises with additional home exercises, and the third group just did home exercises.

After 12 weeks of treatment, over 60% of chiropractic patients had at least a 75% improvement in pain, compared to approximately 25% of patients in the supervised exercise group, and nearly 20% of the home exercise-only group.

This study is very important, because staying active as we get older is so important for our physical and mental health, and chiropractic provides a way to keep your spine healthy and flexible. Another recent study found that chiropractic care is great at helping us keep moving as we get older.

If you suffer from neck pain and want to get back to your pain-free life, we can help. Give our office a call today at (416) 477-1101 for an appointment or for more information.

At PRI, we like to do is look at the individual holistically and see what’s going on with their nervous system.

To let us know how we can help you, please contact our office and we will gladly help you out at:

Tel:      (416) 477-1101





Works Cited

Maiers M, Bronfort G, Evans R, et al. Spinal manipulative therapy and exercise for seniors with chronic neck pain. Spine Journal 2014;14(9):1879-1889


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