Keeogo as a great tool for Parkinson’s patients

Keeogo as a great tool for Parkinson’s patients

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive degenerative disorder of the central nervous system. The hallmark physical signs are tremor, rigidity and bradykinesia. According to Rossabel Young et al, idiopathic Parkinson’s disease is caused by the progressive loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra and nigrostriatal pathway of the midbrain. Secondary parkinsonism may be caused by certain drugs (e.g., metoclopramide and haloperidol) or by cerebrovascular disease (e.g., multiple lacunar strokes). The disease can usually be diagnosed based on the history and physical findings. From a pharmacological side, dopamine replacement is still considered the most efficacious treatment for Parkinson’s disease, but dopamine agonists, formerly prescribed only as adjunctive therapy, are emerging as useful initial therapy. Other pharmacologic treatments include drugs that inhibit dopamine-metabolizing enzymes (monoamine oxidase-B and catechol O-methyltransferase). Injections of botulinum toxin can be helpful in patients with associated dystonia or blepharospasm. Surgery may be indicated for certain patients or when symptoms do not respond to pharmacological therapy. Additional adjunctive therapies offered at PRI include physical therapy, nutritional counseling and techniques to help patients manage emotional and cognitive changes related to the disease.

While the medical community is searching for therapies to target both the root of this condition, as well as the side effects of it, a recent technological breakthrough has allowed patients with PD to achieve a remarkable improvement in their lifestyle. Without the KeegoTM device, patients walked slowly, had to stop when taking stairs from exhaustion, had a difficult time picking up objects from the floor, exerted strenuous effort, when getting up from a chair to walk down the hall. Patients with PD wearing a KeegoTM device were able to achieve healthy movement patterns during several clinical trials. The same patients were able to walk about quickly, had no trouble walking up or down the stairs, picked up objects from the floor with little effort, and were able to easily sit down, and get up from the seat without propping themselves up with their hands.

If you suffer from Parkinsons Disease, please see a specialist at the PRI clinic. They are specifically trained to properly introduce your body to the KeegoTM device, which will allow your body to achieve a remarkable improvement in your lifestyle. To book an appointment, please call or follow these links.

Tel:      (416) 477-1101





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