KeeogoTM For Stroke

KeeogoTM For Stroke

Without much warning, a stroke—a.k.a. brain attack—can reduce or end your ability to move, talk and think. Stroke kills one person every four minutes. Yet according to the American Heart Association, roughly 80 percent of strokes are preventable. And while you can’t do much about your age, gender, race or family history, there are things you can change. Follow these five easy (and proven!) ways you can protect yourself against stroke, starting today

  1. If your doctor has prescribed medication for diabetes, high cholesterol, or high blood pressure—all conditions that can raise your risk for stroke—take it.
  2. Walk or bike five days a week and you’ll reduce your risk of stroke by as much as 20 percent. Some women may benefit even more.
  3. Those snores, snorts and gasps can do more than annoy your partner. Sleep apnea, a condition where breathing is interrupted during sleep, can strain the heart, causing high blood pressure and irregular heart rhythm. Eventually, those problems can lead to stroke.

Not sure if you’re a loud sleeper? Try recording yourself at night—alone—so you can’t blame noises on your partner or the dog. If you think you could have sleep apnea, talk with your doctor or ask for a sleep specialist.

  1. Sure, the drive-thru is quick and convenient, but it may be doing a number on your health. A far healthier option: the Mediterranean diet. Research shows how a diet rich in fruits and veggies, whole grains, legumes, nuts, fish and poultry, limits red meat, salt and butter—all ingredients that can lead to hypertension, unhealthy cholesterol and stroke. Mounting evidence shows that eating a plant-based diet such as the Mediterranean plan may lower stroke risk by about 18 percent.
  2. Workaholics beware: A 2015 analysis found that people who worked 55 hours or more every week were 33 percent more likely to suffer a stroke than those with regular nine-to-five jobs. Stroke risk increased with the amount of overtime.

If the stress of your job is getting to you, look for ways to improve your work-life balance. In the meantime, try these tips to relax:

  • Use an app that reminds you to stand up every hour
  • Take a 10-minute walk to boost circulation—preferably in the sunshine
  • Sit in a quiet, dark room for five minutes

These little changes will calm your mind and your body by bringing down your blood pressure


  1. Stroke protection includes recognizing its symptoms. Remember
  2. Face drooping
  3. Arms weak or drifting downward
  4. Speech slurred or strange
  5. Time to call the doctor.

Don’t delay—call 9-1-1 or your local emergency number.

Other stroke symptoms may include:

Sudden weakness or numbness in the face, arm or leg, often on one side the body

Severe headache

Blurred vision or trouble seeing in one or both eyes

Trouble walking, with or without dizziness

Always note the time symptoms started. Doing so will help doctors determine if the patient is a candidate for certain treatments.

Treatment Option

Once a stroke has occurred, some post-stroke patients have a difficult time moving around. A recent technological breakthrough offers patients who suffered from stroke vast lifestyle improvements.

Without the KeegoTM device, post-stroke patients had a difficult time moving their legs, had to stop when taking stairs from exhaustion, had a difficult time picking up objects from the floor, exerted strenuous effort, when getting up from a chair to walk down the hall.

These same patients wearing a KeegoTM device were able to achieve much more fluid movement patterns during several clinical trials. These same patients were able to move quicker from one location to another, were able to promptly walk up or down the stairs, picked up objects from the floor with little effort, and were able to easily sit down, and get up from the seat without propping themselves up with their hands.

If you have been suffered from a stroke, please see a specialist at the PRI clinic. This multi-disciplinary team is specifically trained to properly introduce your body to the KeegoTM device, which will allow your body to achieve a remarkable improvement in your lifestyle. To book an appointment, please call or follow these links.

Tel:      (416) 477-1101



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