Opioid Reduction Strategy

Opioid Reduction Strategy

It is hard to live in Canada and not be aware of Canada’s current Opioid Crisis. An estimated 2,000 Canadians are dying annually from prescription opioids. Our country is facing a national crisis.

Headlines related to chronic pain and fentanyl overdose are rising in frequency and urgency. Many chronic pain patients have been universally mismanaged by all health professions even with the best intent and the best minds clamoring for solutions.

Chiropractic can be a piece in the puzzle in the development of an effective opioid reduction strategy. By providing prompt access to effective health care options, like chiropractic care, evidence suggests that we can reduce reliance on opioids to treat acute and chronic musculoskeletal-related pain (of bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, and tendons.)

Chiropractic is a safe, evidence informed option to treating chronic pain, and our high patient satisfaction levels make chiropractic a popular option for patients looking to address pain and improve function.

osteopathy treatment for a woman

Source: stock.adobe.com

In fact, new guidelines released by the Canadian Medical Association Journal, recommend a coordinated multi-disciplinary healthcare team, which includes chiropractic, be used to help manage pain and avoid the dependency of opioids.

Federal and provincial governments are widely recognizing the crisis that exists with opioid addiction and overdose. The Canadian Chiropractic Association has engaged in months of advocacy with the federal government and other health professions to build awareness and understanding that available evidence points to back pain and other musculoskeletal conditions as a leading reason for opioid prescribing.

As the national media discusses the link between over-prescribing and the opioid crisis, it appears that the public needs the expertise of chiropractic services more than ever.

If you suffer from chronic pain, please check out PRI clinic. They have knowledgeable and professional medical staff that will help you come up with the safest solution to your pain symptoms without resorting to opioids.

To book an appointment, please contact PRI office.

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