Why does Aquatic Therapy Benefit Rehabilitation and Development?

Why does Aquatic Therapy Benefit Rehabilitation and Development?

In today’s age, the volume of physical therapy services available at our fingertips is unending. Because of this, finding one that fits your needs and allows you to effectively return to a healthy routine can be a challenge. We compare it to shoe shopping. With so many different styles and fits, finding the one shoe that’ll rocket you to the moon requires some effort. Likewise, finding your ideal therapy provider requires the same amount of energy.  In most cases, our primary physicians can be a great starting point, but without the right questions and insight, you may end up back where you began. For this reason, it’s important to go a step further and connect with a local physical therapy provider like PRI to see what options are available to you.

When arriving at the rehabilitation phase of your recovery, the ultimate goal is to choose a no-risk therapy that’ll lessen recovery times, while still getting you back to an uninterrupted lifestyle. Typically, your rehabilitation options will range from a menu of traditional flat land therapies, which are still extremely effective injury recovery solutions. However, many people aren’t aware that their options don’t have to stop there.

Thanks to advancements in technologies and accessibility, a lesser-publicized therapy, known as aquatic therapy, is steadily becoming a highly endorsed secondary option for a range of injury cases. Given the countless mental and physical benefits provided through H2O, everyone from elite-level athletes, to stroke survivors are benefitting from this low-impact, high-return therapy.

Due to the decreased weight-bearing conditions of the aquatic environment, aquatic therapy allows patients to move with less restriction and less stress on their body. Because of this, a patient with severe Osteoarthritis may not be able to walk the stairs in their home; however, since their body weight decreases in the water, they may be able to perform step-ups in an aquatic environment. Consequently, this allows for increased activation of the proper muscles needed to improve the step-up motion, which ultimately can help improve the patient’s ability to perform stair negotiation in the home.

Also, as we mentioned, post- or pre-surgical patients that would otherwise be restricted in their ability to perform land-based therapy, are able to begin therapy sooner in the water. In doing this, water therapy helps increase the patient’s ability to start proper muscle recruitment and increase range of motion without increased pain.

If you have sustained a sports injury, suffer from osteoarthritis and a slew of other musculoskeletal conditions, please see a specialist at the PRI clinic. This multi-disciplinary team is specifically trained to properly introduce their body to aquatic therapy, which will allow a remarkable improvement in their lifestyle. To book a consultation, please call or follow these links.


Tel:      (416) 477-1101

E-mail: reception@priclinic.com

Web:   www.priclinic.com

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