Bad back? You might be brushing your teeth wrong

Bad back? You might be brushing your teeth wrong

Bad back? You might be brushing your teeth wrong
Ergonomic Advice Part 2
Polyclinic Rehabilitation Institute is launching a consumer campaign to highlight the simple daily activities that are contributing to musculoskeletal conditions. Last week we described 5 simple activities such as brushing teeth, using mobile devices or watching TV that are regularly done in a position that puts muscles, joints and limbs under pressure. Here are the other 5, of our top 10 list.
6. Carrying Items Up/Downstairs and Stocking High Cupboards
What you’re doing wrong and how it can affect you – Simple lifting and carrying advice is everywhere, but most people still ignore it! Twisting and over-reaching whilst carrying items damages your lower back, upper back and shoulders, while repeatedly lifting and carrying heavy loads can cause repetitive strain injuries to the knees.
PRI advice – Hold items close to your body and keep your back straight. Twist from your feet, not your back or shoulders. NEVER try to carry something you struggle to even lift, get someone to help you instead.
7. Making the Bed
What you’re doing wrong and how it can affect you – There might be fewer ‘hospital corners’ in bedrooms these days but twisting and over-reaching to cover all four corners of the bed with sheets and duvets can still damage your upper and lower back and shoulders.
PRI advice – Don’t bend over to reach across the bed, bend your knees and keep your back straight. Get someone to help, especially when changing duvet covers.
8. Washing Windows
What you’re doing wrong and how it can affect you – The Karate Kid mantra of ‘Wax on, wax off’ is worth remembering when washing windows! Twisting and over-using one arm can damage your upper and lower back and shoulders, while gripping for extended periods and using repetitive motions can also cause elbow injuries.
PRI advice – Avoid using one side of the body more than the other by alternating hands or using a different hand to clean each window. Keep your body straight at all times and wash windows from a face on position. Use a ladder for high windows and take a break if necessary.
9. Watching TV
What you’re doing wrong and how it can affect you – Chilling on the sofa after a long day. What can possibly go wrong? Well, sitting with your legs crossed can damage your hips and knees, and sitting for too long, or just leaning forward in excitement, can damage your lower back.
PRI advice – Stand up, or at least uncross your legs, every 20 minutes. Sit with your back straight and make sure you’re face-on to the screen, not at an angle.
10. Folding Washing
What you’re doing wrong and how it can affect you – Surely folding your clothes can’t be risky? Guess again! Stooping over to fold clothes on a low surface, or doing it while sitting on the sofa and twisting from one side to the other, is a nightmare for your lower back. Doing this task while kneeling down won’t do your knees any favours either!

PRI advice – If you’re standing up to do your folding, put the clothes on a surface which is at waist height to stop you bending over. Alternatively, do it whilst sitting upright in a comfortable position at a table. And think ahead when putting your folded clothes away – try storing commonly used items, such as socks, in drawers at waist height, and those you use the least, like jumpers in the winter, in lower drawers.
If you’re suffering from a musculoskeletal injury, physiotherapists, massage therapists and chiropractors at PRI can help you.
For further helpful advice, please reach out to:
Tel: (416) 477-1101

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