Car Accident Injury Treatment

Car Accident Injury Treatment

A car accident can be a very debilitative experience that may result in one or more of the following:

• Injuries is to the upper spine, and neck.

• Joint pain, muscle pain, headaches, arm pain and leg pain.

• Pain and stiffness that may develop right away or 7-10 days after an accident.

Regardless of the pain you feel, your goal is Maximum Possible Recovery

At PRI clinic, we want you to focus your energy on healing. If you have been in an accident, it is important to see a chiropractor and a physiotherapist as soon as possible. Potentially serious and costly injuries may seem insignificant at first, but without proper consideration and care they could result in life-long disabilities. With our assistance, you may be able to regain the health you had prior to the accident.

We know that a car accident injury is never simple, and recuperation often involves a great deal of time, pain, and frustration. That’s why our multi-disciplined team focuses on combining the best that medicine has to offer with a human touch, motivating you to work towards your recovery at a reasonable pace and to push yourself to new levels of success.

We diagnose the injuries you have sustained as a result of the motor vehicle accident and treat those injuries and their resulting disabilities. It is also our job to properly document your injuries, disabilities and treatment. Without proper documentation there is no legal proof or evidence of your injuries or disabilities. We will obtain and compile documentation that is valid and medically necessary regarding your injuries. Valid documentation includes diagnostic studies such as X-ray, MRI, and CT scans. Objective findings, including determination of any loss of movement of a joint or “palpating” muscle to feel for tightness, rigidity, or “spasm” are intricate parts of your exam. If any permanency is noted it will be well documented and a request for on-going treatment will be in order.

With so many reasons to count on us, why spend another day fighting pain and frustration alone? Call us today and schedule your appointment for better health tomorrow.

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