A Morning Hack That Can Turn You Into A Morning Person

A Morning Hack That Can Turn You Into A Morning Person

I’m not sure why, but it seems that when I have the opportunity to sleep on the weekends or when I’m on vacation, I wake up at the crack of dawn. Ignoring the fact that you should get up at about the same time each morning for your health, many people love the opportunity to sleep in when they don’t have commitments such as work or school. During the week or during your regular schedule, it can be difficult to drag yourself out of bed. Have you ever wondered why that is? What makes it so hard to get out of bed in the morning?

Well, there’s one trick anyone can use to get up and get their day going with a little more gusto:

Find one thing to get truly excited about on an upcoming day!

Here are a few tips to help you get started.

Choose Something Achievable

If I were going to wake up and meet Jennifer Lawrence on her private jet to be whisked away to Bora Bora, I’d bounce out of bed each morning ready to face the day. Alas, that doesn’t seem to be in the cards for me or most other people, so it’s much better to choose something realistic to get excited about.

Choose something easy or comforting to look forward to such as finally cracking open that new book that you’ve been dying to read or the sushi you’re going to get after work. Choose something that makes you a little bit happy and focus on that.

Let Your Choice Be Your Beacon

The entire point of finding one thing to look forward to is to have a light at the end of your daily tunnel. It could be a bright spot on a no good, very bad day, or it could be the cherry on top of an ice cream sundae when your day is already looking good. Let this thing guide you all day, like a beacon of hope.

Don’t Skip It

In order to make this entire strategy work, you cannot skip the thing you choose to focus on. Do not, under any circumstances, let it fall through the cracks or get swallowed up by other things during the course of the day. Always make sure it’s something you give yourself and make time for. Remember, no matter how small, it’s still something to wake up for.

Until Jennifer Lawrence answers the call or Mickey Mouse moves into your living room to make each day magical, you have to learn to find magic in the mundane. Try this helpful hack and see if, in fact, you can be the morning person you always wanted. Or close enough.

This is just one of many hacks, your local chiropractor can provide to help you achieve your goals!

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