neck pain

Chiropractic is beneficial for Senior Citizens

Neck pain is one of the most common symptoms we see in Polyclinic Rehabilitation Institute. Often, neck pain results from auto injuries, but sometimes the origins of the neck symptoms might not be related to trauma. No matter what the cause, we find that our chiropractic approach really works for our patients and they agree!

A recent study from Spine Journal confirms what we’ve seen in our office: chiropractic works for treating neck pain.

In this study, researchers looked at 241 patients who were over 65 years old and who suffered from chronic neck pain. The patients were divided into three groups: one group received chiropractic adjustments with home exercises, another group received supervised exercises with additional home exercises, and the third group just did home exercises.

After 12 weeks of treatment, over 60% of chiropractic patients had at least a 75% improvement in pain, compared to approximately 25% of the patients in the supervised exercise group, and nearly 20% of the home exercise-only group.

This study was very important, because it showed that staying active as we get older is so important for our physical and mental health. And it showed that chiropractic provides a way to keep your spine healthy and flexible.

Another recent study found that chiropractic care is great at helping us keep moving as we get older. In this study, researchers set out to discover the difference in outcome for seniors who engaged solely in medical treatments versus those who received chiropractic care over a year’s time. Their participants were 65+ year old Medicare recipients with at least one claim resulting in a diagnosis of a musculoskeletal disease, dislocation, sprain, or strain.

Each participant’s functional outcomes were measured according their ability to bathe, sit in or get up from a chair, dress, eat, and walk across a room. They were also asked to assess their level of difficulty with specific activities such as lifting, reaching, stooping, and walking.

Individuals were also assessed regarding their self-reported health status on a scale of one to five, as well as their level of satisfaction with the care that they received (with included happiness with both treatment and cost). Once all of this information was obtained, the study participants were differentiated between those who had used any chiropractic services during the course of the year and those who did not and opted strictly for medical care instead.

What researchers found is that the individuals who engaged in some form of chiropractic care had fewer functional limitations, less difficulty engaging in activities such as lifting and walking, and a lower number of MD doctor’s visits and hospitalizations. They concluded that chiropractic had a sort of a “protective effect,” safeguarding them against physical deterioration.

Furthermore, patients of chiropractic were also more satisfied with their care during initial treatment as well as follow-up, the cost out-of-pocket, and the information provided to them about their condition. Therefore, this study suggests that engaging in chiropractic care, offers many benefits to seniors with spinal conditions, allowing them greater function and happiness as a result.

Text Neck Pain & How to Prevent it

The sharp increase of handheld communication accessibility in the last decade has caused a cultural shift. Suddenly, the way people communicate has changed. Now, much of our conversations occur more in the virtual world and less in the real world.

Everyone has a different opinion nowadays on the effects of social media and instant communication.
Some people think that the ability to instantly get in contact with someone increases individual safety, while others think it makes communication less valuable.

But did you know that frequent cell phone use can be detrimental to your health?

What is “Text Neck?”

How much time do you spend looking down at your phone or tablet, checking emails, texting friends, and browsing the internet? Would you say a few hours a day or more altogether? If so, you’re far from the only one.

“Text neck” is caused when someone looks down at their mobile device so often that it causes chronic neck and back pain.

The craned-neck posture that people often hold as they’re looking down at their phone eventually results in the deterioration of the cervical spine, the part of your spine that supports your neck and head.

The full prognosis of text neck remains to be seen until the generation that grew up with such accessible technology grows old.

It’s impossible to know right now what the lifelong effects are of straining your neck and back in such a way, though some professionals speculate that text neck can trigger an early onset of arthritis of the neck.

However, text neck is already proven to cause a variety of health problems, including severe chronic upper back pain, neck and shoulder muscles spasms, and pinched cervical nerves.

Children and teenagers are most susceptible to these ailments because they typically are exposed to this technology at an earlier age than adults of today.

How to Prevent “Text Neck?”

You don’t have to stop using your electronic mobile devices to keep yourself from getting text neck. All it takes to save your neck and back is to be mindful of your posture and how much you’re looking down at your phone.

If you have to look at your phone, laptop, or any other electronic, keep it eye-level so that you’re not straining your neck or back. Set specific times during the day to check your email. You can also dedicate a period of the time during the day when you take a break from your mobile device.

As long as you’re not craning your neck or slouching, you’re not putting unnecessary and damaging stress to your back and neck.

At PRI, we’re keenly aware of “Text Neck” and we teach you and your loved ones specific exercises that you can do on your own, in your spare time to help prevent any ailments associated with that condition.
We also have great chiropractors, physiotherapists, and massage therapists on site that will professionally realign your spine from head to pelvis, to help you gain fast relief from “Text Neck”
So as you can see, “Text Neck” can have a significant impact on your overall health can lifestyle.

Look after your neck and your back – it has to last you a lifetime.